» Empowering the Business Community    

Wednesday February 12, 2025   

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Surviving & Leading Business Transformation 
InsighTway offers a series of seminars designed to share insights and lessons learned within multiple industries. These seminars provide an opportunity to explore practical strategies for embracing change and leading transformational efforts that impact career advancement or business success. Seminar are organized in partnership with our customers and the participants learn to:
  • Discern signs of change and anticipate the effects of change factors on the business ecosystem/environment
  • Live through the emotional cycle and develop an opportunity map
  • Capitalize on emerging opportunities to expand or solidify their role within their company
  • Start a new business venture when the corporate route is no longer appealing
  • Sharpen their survival skills
The training seminar offers four distinct tracks to meet the needs of specific audiences: Executive track, Manager Track, Associate track and Entrepreneur track.
Each track is designed to discuss critical issues using case studies prepared by InsighTway. Some sessions include demonstrations of powerful solutions/tools that could be used to manage business transformation and expedite start-up development initiatives.
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